NTDS Data Dictionary
American College of Surgeons Trauma Library
Useful Links for the Trauma Registrar
Non Surgical Admission Rationalization
- Non-Trauma Service Admissions: Should We Care? The American Surgeon, 15–20 (Fumanti, B. J., Szydziak, L., & Grossman, M. D. 2020).
- Nonsurgical admissions with traumatic injury: Medical patients are trauma patients too. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 25(3), 192–195 (Nelson, L., Kuzniewski, S., Grossman, M., Yelon, J. A., & Szydziak, L. 2018)
Studies, Abstracts and Documentation
- The Injury Severity Score. Baker, Susan P. M.P.H.; O'Neill, Brian B.Sc; Haddon, William Jr. M.D.; Long, William B. M.D. (1974). Retrieved from journals.lww.com/
- The Major Trauma Outcome Study: Establishing National Norms for Trauma Care. Champion, H. R., Copes, W. S., Sacco, W. J., Lawnick, M. M., Keast, S. L., & Frey , C.F. (1990). Retrieved from The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
- Registry based trauma outcome: Perspective of a developing country. Zafar, H., Rehmani, R., Raja, A. J., Ali, A., & Ahmed, M. (2002). Retrieved from emj.bmj.com
- The Cribari Grid And Over/Undertriage McGonigal, M. (2019). Retrieved from thetraumapro.com.
- How to use M and Z scores to Benchmark Trauma Center outcomes. Pomphrey, M. D. (2021, September 20). Retrieved from Trauma System News
- Trauma score. Champion, H. R., Sacco, W. J., Carnazzo, A. J., Copes, W., & Fouty, W. J. (1981). Trauma score. Critical Care Medicine, 9, 672–676.
- Multicenter Assessment of the Brain Injury Guidelines and a proposal of guideline modifications.Khan, A. D., Elseth, A. J., Brosius, J. A., Moskowitz, E., Liebscher, S. C., Anstadt, M. J., Dunn, J. A., McVicker, J. H., Schroeppel, T., & Gonzalez, R. P. (2020). Retrieved from tsaco.bmj.com
- Modified Brain Injury Guidelines (mBIG) for TBI with GCS 13-15 Admission Algorithm. UCHealth. (2020, September). Retrieved September 29, 2021,